Tic Tac Toe 2 Player

Build image: 
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!): 
Builder name(s) and current ranks: 
rickyrickyrick3 and FastTurtle8
Creation location: 
730 15 508
Machine Features: 

Its A Simple 2 Player Tic Tac Toe Machine. It took A While To Build And Was Really Fun!
Also I Built On My Friends Plot So Its Safe!

How To Use: 

Left Side is O Right Side Is X. Each Button Is One Square: Example Top Left Button Is Top Left Square on The Screen.
When The Light Lights Up That Means Its Your Turn.

Request status: 
Not approved


Currently there is a small defect with one input button.
Besides that there is no win-detection - which is kind of part of what we expect for a rankup TicTacToe. Yes win-detection is a bit tricky and big, but kind of part of it.
For a 2-player rankup it should be a bit more functional/complete. Thus for now it is denied.

Fix that one input button and add win-detection and it has a good chance to lead to a rankup for Tinkerer.

By Ecconia