Application 1208

kittylovermybut's picture
In-game name: 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Ive usally made buildings up until about a month ago when restone caught my eye and i decide to presue the dream of making a full computer capable of playing simple games.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I've made a calculator with only and adder, decoder, and display. Currently I am focused on learning more about memory and other things like subtractors, multiplyer's and Dividers.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Yes. I fully Understand The Rules.
Application status: 
Not approved


RAM has nothing to do with red-stone. "vetren" is not a word. "I am focused on learning more about memory" nothing to do with redstone. Are you sure you came to the right place? Sorry not to be mean i just was wandering... :)

By zacharylusk
kittylovermybut's picture

You know that ram is an electronic way to save binary code, correct. Some people call it just memory. All it is is a memory unit hooked up to a cpu as such, redstone game, witch you have probaly viewed on the wesite YouTube. Listen I would really LOVE to join this group and if it fails i will have to write another entry I suppose. Just please accept me. Save me the troble and agrivation. And please excuse my bad grammar from before. I was never really much of a great speller. Gave up spelling well in 4th grade. :P

By kittylovermybut