Application 1250

minecrafter1021's picture
In-game name: 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I built a massive wooden mansion which had exactly 65 rooms and all the rooms where 10 X 10.I built it back in 1.8.1 I think i still have the save because i didn't Delete the saved game.The house had also alot of elevators,Pistons,doors,Combination locks.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have built a Mob survival Mini-game The Objective is to survive 9 rounds at the moment by shooting the mobs into a pit or just kill them.You get points for playing.The points are sand block which you can use to buy Weapon Upgrades ,X2 Points Or even Potions! The Game uses a random generator and I think i'm going to change it to be only a clock so every 60 seconds mob will spawn and on other waves they spawn after 25 seconds or 15 or even 5!
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Yes and I will respect everyone and i will not be a douche.I wont grief i am a nice guy.I follow the rules and I shall punish those who brake them!
Application status: 
Not approved