Application 1259

In-game name: 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Though redstone is more of my expertise, my friends and I worked together for about a month and built a large medieval city type place. I have also made some airships and boats. I also have had experience with mob grinders and exp traps.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have worked many times on computer based stuff (7-segment displays, alu, ram, cpu's), but I didn't start there. I taught myself everything I know about redstone. I started off small like every one else getting my logic gates down and stuff like that. Made combination locks and stuff like that. Worked my way up to my first 7 segment with a counter (back before we had redstone repeaters btw). I then worked my way into alu's and stuff. After that I got into instant logic and trying to make things as small and efficient as I could possibly make them, before I was just making it to make it, but now I am making it to be efficient. Then pistons came out, and i could not stop working with them. My friends and I were working with every one in the frenzy to try and get their name in the compendium by patenting piston logic gates, but never made it in time. Later on I became part of the redstone development foundation when I was able to thrive. There I made my 8 bit multiplier and my automated minecart station. I worked on piston transport systems and elevators. Though the rdf is nice, I was looking for a new place to work on redstone because I would like a more casual place to do redstone.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Application status: 