Application 1331

In-game name: 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
For me, modern towers and houses are my thing. My creative world is full of amazing towers and skyscrapers. As well as an incredible look on the outside, I aim to make my interior look as good as possible-like a real home! But this is not all I do! I also love a good castle! I make massive, fortified walls surrounding a keep that is cosy and nice to live in. I also like to make a good old secret door! Most important for me though, is the aesthetics when you take a step back and look at the whole thing. also, I'm constantly changing my best work to make it look better!
Past Redstone Experience: 
I'm sure you will agree that redstone is the best part of Minecraft! I invest so much time on it, my world are scattered with the failed versions that I have had to re do to make them up to my standards! I do like to make rooms with cool redstone features going on in the background. I once made a room where the walls were constantly moving in a circle and it honestly felt like you were turning in circles. Another one of the things I like to do is to make a good old self building house! There's nothing more satisfying than recording your weeks work go up in a house in seconds! All in all, I really hope that you accept me because I love to have fun with redstone then even better share it with friends!
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I have read the rules and I understand them. They seem good and fair and definitely favor the nice people!
Application status: 
Not approved


Can I have some feedback? I really tried my best but I want to know how to do better *sighs*

By MrTomW7