Application 1333

In-game name: 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I was on a server where I made a secret tunnel ( where u enter was covered and required a password) and that led to a storage area. Built some cool houses. Build giant castle with a Tnt cannon defense. Built a slave 1, ti fighter, xwing, and ywing. built some complicated mob traps and Xp grinders. Elevators. And a auto mining thing with the technic pack mob(i think it is called that). Built a giant roller coaster around the castle. Iv built other things I cant remember.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Iv built some secret entrances. I made a slot machine with spinning slots with a mod that spun the slots. It had a switch that started a counted down. Depending on how long it is in the on state is how long the slots spin. You must do this for each slots. I have also made some clocks. This would take to long to explain. it took 6 people and 6 months to make. I have built a auto make diamond miner with a mod. I minded items, used other items to increase the value of that item, then used that item to get diamond. i Have made lights for houses. parkour "maps", a working rocket launcher. The rocket was tnt. I had the tnt mod to make it more powerfull. I have also help aa friend buid a space station. I would have pics of these things but i no longer have the files. I have made a nazi zombies map where you fought to survive for 5 min. The redstone counted down for 5 min the opened a door to the next session.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I do understand the rules and will follow them and enforce them. I will stop griefers, trolls, and people who wanna harm this server. I hope to join yall and help. If you need help with anything I will help. I hate people who wanna harm others. I am very laid back and can get on most of the time to help out.
Application status: 


sorry for the typos. Im a bad typer and speller.

By KennithKaniff