Application 1647

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Main reason is because I want to share my creations and learn new things about redstone. All the people here seem to be so nice and helpful, I hope that I qualify, because this is one of the best communities I have ever seen. I also want to have a server where I can do my things in peace and not bothered all the time, because it is the main downfall as being admin.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I made a house I call "Warrior's faction dreambase" . It does not have any normal doors, and most of the rooms look empty when in off state, but when turned on, there could be enchanting tables or something else. Here is a pic of my alchemy and enchanting room: I used that as example because few of my other, I think a bit better creations are at other computer. Those work by pistons as you guessed. I also have made a fully functional railroad station (no pictures) Witch had a PEZ-style cart dispenser, automaticly returning carts, and lots of places you can go, by choosing with a button. My favorite thing is my redstone testing facility aka RTF aka Aperture Magic Testing Chamber. It had chest for request available everywhere with 4 minecarts witch contained different items, all available in all the spots. Sorry that no pictures about those.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I just want a server where I can learn and create awesome things.
Application status: 



By Viiri