Application 1749

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
My friend, blackbelt_Jr, (I know him IRL) recommended this server to me, and after reading most of the content on this site, I think I would be able to both contribute to the server and learn a few things while I'm at it. ie) learning and improving my skill with digital-styled redstone
Past Redstone Experience: 
My first large red stone build was an improved version of a two-tone display exploiting the lighting bug with pistons pressed on glass blocks. The display cycled through images of most of the mob faces. My latest redstone build was a puzze/adventure map that I titled "Redstone Mountains" I haven't uploaded it anywhere, as most of the challenges seemed too easy when I ran through it, but it was oriented around breaking codes that unlock clues of how to navigate through a mountain ridge filled with traps.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I tried making a binary calculator, and it worked, but it required a lot of help, and was very large. I also enjoy attempting to improve on other people's designs. I also feel that I am good at hiding redstone into structures and buildings to give a better appearance to my creations. I also will not be able to go onto my computer for several days, as I will be out of town.
Application status: 


Another creation I made was an automatic tnt cannon; it was reviewed by gamechap in their 12 days of Christmas series, although I have greatly refined the design since that video was uploaded. (My youtube username is IAmNinjaMan2000)

By trangibleLight