posted by bdan44
on Sat, 2012-06-23 05:45
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I love building things but the thing that I miss out on is the interaction with others. I haven't been able to find a server that thrives with redstone until I found this one. I want to be able to learn from others and then use that to build my own contraptions and hopefully even teach someone else something new. I also want to be able to participate in group buildings on massive scales. I have built large buildings/contraptions on my own but I want to be able to experience it with others as well.
Past Redstone Experience:
I use and understand most of the logic gates. I have emulated many things that I have seen on youtube and I have also created some things on my own. My most recent is a minecart storage system that is compact and uses levers and one button. It has 4 tracks (the track desired is selected by using three levers) and pushing the button will send the selected minecart out. The same button will push the minecart back to the original spot.
As can be seen I am still fairly new to redstone but I think I have great potential.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Nothing that I can think of.
Application status: