Application 1802

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Mainly because I love redstone and sharing it with other people not just bragging about it but helping people understand it, also I would love to see how other people made creations too.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I made a lot of things out of redstone for Beta to Now. I've made my own Mini Game Zombus Arena. I would be happy to upload pic's also. I know every gate and lach so I can build almost anything out of redstone with space and time.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I've applied before, and I didn't know why I was Not Approved but I'm applying again, also I like SlyFox so I hope you do not think I'm trying to impersonate him. Also I hope to build with you soon... l:)
Application status: 
Not approved


goodby39's picture

can you show us some screenshots?

By goodby39

goodby39's picture

Please make them publicly available

By goodby39

Why was I not approved?

By ZzzZSlyFoxZzzZ
goodby39's picture

We cannot see any screenshots...

By goodby39

Can you help me fix it so I can get approved?

By ZzzZSlyFoxZzzZ
goodby39's picture

Make another application, and make sure to add screenshots of the actual guts of the device. I didn't see 1 redstone torch in any of the 13 screenshots.

By goodby39