Application 1816

Fracture96's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I wish to be able to look at other players designs, then possibly improve on them to better everyone. I also am tired of building things on my own. I also would like to build things with the help of others, because I don't know any other people that are decent redstoners.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have researched many different redstone devices that can be used in larger devices. I have also seen an extremely compact 7-segment display counter made by cubehamster, which I then added my own way to turn the display on/off, using a glowstone pillar up the center of the feed tape. Recently I have also made a new type of security that uses a block of sand and a redstone torch (gravel also works in place of sand). This previous device uses a simple smart piston and a silent BUD switch to activate a door (piston or not). One problem with this design is that it only works consistently in the newest snapshot, which is what I have been playing on for a while.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I have experience with Binary systems, and I also know how to use some minecart based logic (no reason other than it's interesting).
Application status: 
Not approved


goodby39's picture

Any screenshots?

By goodby39
Fracture96's picture

I never learned how to put a link in.

By Fracture96