posted by redstonefreek
on Fri, 2012-06-29 15:49
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
Like I said in the describe yourself part, I want to share my stuff with people. I'm mostly focusing on building resource friendly creations that can be good to use in survival mode, like the melon farm. I'm also looking for some more learning about more advanced redstone contraptions, like games. I'm also going to help people out with their redstone problems but only if they ask nicely.
Past Redstone Experience:
My best redstone creations so far is the melon farm and the calculator. The melon farm is using a BUD-switch that activates when a melon appeares, which activates a very small clock that sends one signal to a piston which puches up the melon so it gets destroyed and another signal which resets the BUD-switch. The calculator isn't done yet, and I've only planned how to build it. I've alreday made a smaller version with only 10 different inputs and only 54 outputs to see if it works, and the results were positive. I'm using two counters where you choose the inputs and a technique i learnt from decoders to select the right output.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
This is my second application, because my first one wasn't approved. I've have extended this and read through the text more precisely. I noticed the small text that explained everything and changed most of this. I missunderstood the Past redstone experiance in my last application and I've corrected it. Now I'm just hoping to get accepted this time :)
Application status: