posted by kittylovermybut
on Tue, 2012-07-10 07:04
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I love the art of circutry and electricity. I would love to be able to display my new inovative work to some player that are more experienced than me. They may be able to use it in some of there projects, making my discoveries very helpful for redstoners around the internet and on the server. I also love studing real world situations that come from some simple bases, such as the concept of the nor-latch gate. I also would like to possibly learn from the elders of redstone and brainstorm new ways to make bigger and better redstone computer and circutry systems.
Past Redstone Experience:
Me and my friend "roccomation" did have a personal 2 person server up for use to build small systems. Then when I came up with new idea for the randomization unit, using two redstone torch randomizers linked for slower selection ratios and then ram to hold the winner, tie, or, loser data. With the rams current i would pull up the sticky piston condutors to no longer allow current. I linked the ram to an automatic updater and then ran the ram to the display. I used a button to allow the condutors (wool) to allow current to pass to the ram with automatic button/switch turn off to complete the Rock, Paper, Sissors.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I also like working on existing projects with friends
Application status: