posted by alexboycrowe
on Tue, 2012-07-10 17:51
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
i think there would be a benefit to having someone with minimal experience because then people who teach me would be able to back to the basics. but i would much rather learn and spread the origins of my teachers to other people to bring some focus toward your server. i always like helping other people and I'm a good teacher but all teachers have been students.
Past Redstone Experience:
Not much i only started 3 weeks ago cause i was to occupied creating a server and when i was randomly scrolling through the creative screen i saw a repeater and there was no going back from there. My best redstone creation was on a server call and it took me 2 weeks and i was practically on the server the whole time. ( i even donated ) but 3 days later someone from my school who's just out to get me, created something and he grieved his own creation. then he yelled help! help! I've been griefed. he then teleported me to him and showed admins. i was perabanned. so I'm looking for a new server to always be on.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I've watched all about people videoing the server and i was blown away by the complications of it, i wanted someone to take me under their wing and teach me
Application status:
i also have no videos
i also have no videos unfortunately but i really would appreciate if that was no problem