Application 1980

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I would like to join this server to get a little more knowledge on redstone, and be able to share my ideas with others. This server is open to everyone so if a person of little to no knowledge of redstone checks out the server they may learn somethings from me. Also my friend and really like to build redstone together, but once in a while there is something we cannot troubleshoot on the internet. We would rather try and study off of others creations.
Past Redstone Experience: 
On me and my friends server we made rock paper scissors version 1, Which was fairly simple. When we got into more stuff with ram modules and different kinds methods to make it we didn't know how to. We troubleshooted for a while and finally we fixed it and got R.P.S v.2, we still would love to optimize it, but we still need more knowledge on how to make smaller faster ram modules and smaller randomization units. One of things I have troubleshooted was the randomization unit we used to use a big machine that had a pattern if you used a button, but instead I researched some of these units and I found the most random which I would love to build on your server.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I would love to get on this server, my friend is already on and I think it would be fun to make things with him. Allow me on your server and I will show you what I can do.
Application status: 