Application 2019

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I want to join this server because i love redstone, and i absolutely think that there are awesome buildings with redstone. I also think that a redstoneserver is an awesome idea.
Past Redstone Experience: 
My first redstone thing was with a friend when i was messing around a bit. i builded a burning-minecartshooter. i ever made a redstone-castle where everything was working on redstone like lamps, doors and moving walls combination locks. i also made a kind of luck game with sand, it was called double or nothing, and you had to place sand, either you get 0 sand back, or 2 sand, it was totally random. as i mentioned in the "describe yourself" part the redstone scoreboard with timer/clock and points wich goes automatic.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Sorry i never took screenshots, but that is becouse i was too happy when i finnished to think of that. But i could proof it in the server itself! The screenshot i made is of a bit of redstone (the begining part) for a adventuremap where there has to be both players. Great page, keep up the awesome webdesign!
Application status: 
Not approved