Application 2044

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Experiment with redstone to see what can be created that could useful in minecraft. To see other people's inventions to inspire new creations. To help others with there inventions.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Have built a arrow-machine gun using rapid pursar and some other circuits Have built an semi-auto cobblestone factory using a single 5 clock and pistons. Have built other small gadgets using combinations of pistons, red stone and other various blocks. The best inventions to date is the arrow-machine gun as it is compact and can be built quickly enough to be used as a defensive weapon to guard long hallways in survival mode. It basically runs on 4 torches that alternate a rapid pulsar. As a torch burns out from overpower, the other three give it enough time to reset back without the whole system shutting down allowing continuous rapid fire of a dispenser full of arrows. Connecting a pressure plate or switch allows this to be used as a trap/weapon against grievers trying to destroy your base.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I liek waffles.
Application status: 


Nar_Whalzzz's picture

Hang on and wait for a admin.

By Nar_Whalzzz