Application 2084

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
The reason why I want to join this server is because this server is centered around the item I love most in minecraft, Redstone. This server also looks very appealing. I'm also looking forward to meeting the people in this server and to observe their creations as well.
Past Redstone Experience: 
My past redstone contraptions have been more advanced than what I have done in the past but what I have recently made was a 16 byte ram with a user-friendly interface. What that basically does is when you give an input the outputs won't change unless you_ save that input. I am also planning on creating my first redstone computer.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
One rule that I always follow when creating my redstone contraptions is " instead of thinking out side the box, think outside yourself "
Application status: 
Not approved


goodby39's picture

Do you have any photos of your 16 byte ram?

By goodby39

By Orangeprofessor
onlybob's picture

Please explain how your redstone creation works, like what kind of gates are used, etc. Lastly make your answers a little longer.


By onlybob

Is there any thing else I need to elaborate in my application

By Orangeprofessor
goodby39's picture

He just did that ore than 3 hours prior to you asking

By goodby39