posted by Starcounter
on Sun, 2012-07-29 17:04
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I want to both share my ideas/concepts with other redstone savvy people, and I want to get input on how to make my devices and discoveries more efficient.
Past Redstone Experience:
Unlike most big redstoners, I don't have a complete mental database full of all known logic gates, I prefer to create as I go, and solve such problems myself. I can look at something and say, "2 inputs, 3 outputs. If a=b then output 2 is on." and design a circuit in little to no time at all. This method of solving as I go led me to discover a whole new redstone language, one that operates in more than just 1D like binary and decimal, I believe it operates in 2D (I call this language StarCode since i thiiink I created it). This language of course requires an encoder and decoder which I have built and named StarEncoder and StarDecoder. This language enables you to have a single line of redstone leading out from one's house, and being able to send multi-character messages across it (this includes punctuation if programmed).
I have also worked with pistons a great bit and use them as transistors of sorts, but I'd like to learn more about their applications in an advanced way.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I want to learn and I want to teach. Hopefully I can on your server :)
Application status:
cool aplication
I aint no Admin or Mod...
but Hot damn.... I approve, Its filled with Detail, and because I make things up as I built aswell so I can understand it better. XD