posted by SlideFX
on Fri, 2012-08-10 11:53
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I was looking for no ranks just a nice server with good community that I can make friends and have friends on, and do redstone things with them!
Past Redstone Experience:
No pro, I learn from random curiousity (what will happen if I do this) or youtube I will look forward to learning from admins tutorials, be expexting subs! And maybe (only maybe I could do something with you guys if you needed someone, but I'm not great) Yeah! I like Building doors, elevators, calculators, clocks and locks! they work on lots of simple principles and I learn these from anything.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Sorry I couldn't put screenshot in, I could send you them some how (eg; e-mail) but they I only have 2 things left that work with 1.3 which I assumed is what you may want, I can do something new if you need more, thank you for reading this app and for your time!
Application status:
Not approved