Application 2287

SlideFX's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Again the reason why I want to join this server is because this server is centered around the item I love most in minecraft, Redstone. This server also looks very appealing. I'm also looking forward to meeting the people in this server and to observe their creations as well. Another reason why I would like to join this server is that this is another chance for me to improve on my redstone engineering and inspiration for new redstone devices.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have built: * 9 digit order sensitive combination lock which auto resets with a wrong digit connected to 4x4 door * 4x4 door *Compact 3x3 door about 6x3x10 or so *Block replacer with glowstone and double piston and in 4x5 area *Fast elevator with up/down and floor options *Computer wirh memory cells and more :D
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Redstone has helped me expand my knowledge for anything I do I just hope that with a specific Redstone Server I can expand and grow faster.I'm having troubles with the screenshots again. Hopefully you can just trust I did build these things :) Thank you for your time :) One rule that I always follow when creating my redstone contraptions is " instead of thinking out side the box think around it."
Application status: 


SlideFX's picture

I have also done done auto brewer with options and effects.

By SlideFX