posted by windows65
on Mon, 2012-08-13 05:56
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
To Test My Redsetone creations and hopefully build A redstone computer. And Try To Help Other People!
Past Redstone Experience:
I have Seven months of experience. I Like Creating RedStone Automatic Lighting. I Can Not Count How Many Times I Have Done It, But the best one was A 823X901" Building. I Like Advanced RedStone As In, RedStone Computers, Calculators, Clocks, And Advanced Doors. I will show you Allot more when i'm on the server!
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
This server seems really legit. That is why I am coming to you guy's. I'm tired of building something amassing and two months later the server resets or it gets grieved. I Would Love To Get Help And Learn Way's Of Building Them! Thank You For Reading, Windows65
Skype Name. Ben8016
Minecraft Name. windows65
Xbox Live Name. windows65
This Website Name. windows65
Application status:
Nicely done, you seem cool,
Nicely done, you seem cool, and I hope you make it. Good luck!
Thanks =D
You seem cool to. Hope we can teach each other things! My Skype is Ben8016