posted by wolfeter
on Wed, 2012-08-15 18:52
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I LOVE redstone, and while I've built some stuff in Singleplayer, my attention span is very short so I never finish anything. <!--break--> I think having other players online might kinda drive me to finish stuff. <!--break--> Also, it's nice not having to email myself worlds whenever I go to a different computer. <!--break--> And I would NEVER grief; I've built some cool stuff on servers and then had it destroyed just like *snaps fingers* that. It's such a terrible feeling and I would never want to spread that feeling to anyone else.
Past Redstone Experience:
As I said above, my attention span is short, so I've never really built much worth getting worked up about. <!--break--> Well, there is one thing, and while it may not be the most incredible thing ever, I think it's pretty cool. <!--break--> It's basically a huge combination lock with multiple passwords. It allows you to enter a code using buttons (using a bunch of vertical piston RS NOR latches) and then press a button that will check the combination. The code runs up a tower of combinations and tests each one for equivalence. Each saved combination has a dispenser that will dispense an item if it matches. Because it takes a little while for the item to travel down the water channel, a block of green wool will pop up and a 'ding-ding!' will sound. If no combination is matched, a block of red wool pops up and a three-note tune indicates the combination was incorrect. <!--break--> It was not super huge (each combination is only two blocks tall!) and you could theoretically add as many combinations as the height limit will allow (but you would need to add some repeaters to prevent false negatives). <!--break--> I obviously don't like parentheses, do I? :P <!--break--> I use a lot of pistons in the stuff I build (some people don't like pistons. I don't see why, they're awesome and allow for super fast and compact circuits). If you're ever around my creations while they're running, turn down your volume :P <!--break--> Sorry, I don't have any videos or pictures. I would take a screenshot, but I'm not on the computer that I made it on so I don't have the world. <!--break--> And it seems the break things don't work in the preview, I hope they work on your side! Sorry if they don't.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Thank you for your time in reading my large mess of non-proofread gibberish and uncharted seas of parentheses. I hope that it gets me a whitelist. :P
Application status:
Not approved