posted by Ninjalo
on Mon, 2012-08-20 00:10
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
To play with Chubsy, and to showcase builds. Chubsy and I build together, because we help eachother evolve further into the understanding of redstone.
Past Redstone Experience:
Massive combo lock - One of our latest builds
We start off with the 3 by 3 padlock. The idea behind it was to use one pad lock, with 3 output, using 3 different codes. The padlock is condensed as small as I could make it. Lats say your code is 3-4-5, to open the 3x3 flush piston door I made. From there the current carries to the toggle-able code bank, from there, the machine reads if those numbers correspond with any of the locks. The counter counts how many buttons are pressed, and if it's over 3, then it resets the circuit, before it can go off, to avoid break-ins. If the code does match, it leaves through the output, and heads to the pulse limiter, to make sure that the pulse is exactly 1 tick. From that it heads to the 3x3 piston flush door. Which would then open. After you walk through, a 2x1 hallway opens up, and you step on a pressure plate, which closes the door behind, you, which also flashes the system, clearing out anything that may have been bugged.
The other 2 outputs were for a 2x1 piston fall area, a "bat-cave" per-say. and the other was for another door on the opposite side. Used as a maintenance hatch.
but I digress.
My redstone understanding:
-Logic gates
-NOT gate
-OR gate
-AND gate
-NOR gate
-NAND gate
-XOR gate
-XNOR gate
-1.3.2 BUD switches
-Simple basics of redstone
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Application status:
My main man Ninjalol!
My main man Ninjalol!