Application 2397

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I want to join this server to have a secure and private place to work with redstone. I wanted to learn from some people who know a thing or two about redstone (which obviously you do). I was looking forward to meeting new people and becoming mor experienced with the art and logic of redstone. I have seen a few servers about redstone, but this one looks the most promising... I hope it is.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have a little bit of experience, but not a whole lot. I definately wanted to learn more. I know most logic gates and can make several different BUD switches from memory. I recently created a few different machines using redstone for my new server. I look forward to learning mor and having lots of fun...
Application status: 


I hope you will enjoy my presence on your server and look forward to meeting all of you...

By Rayman469
blackbelt_jr's picture

This is one of the best applications I have seen in a while. You don't talk about yourself in a snobby way, and you included a lot of information about yourself in a surprisingly small application (for its quality).

Application: 10/10
Redstone Capabilities (according to the application): 6/10

***Note: I can not see all of the Links you may have posted on your application.***

By blackbelt_jr
goodby39's picture

I cannot currently change the state of this application because I can't actually rank you now. As of now you are ACCEPTED, but will not be ranked until further notice, sorry for the inconvenience.

By goodby39
goodby39's picture


By goodby39