posted by dragoncraft
on Tue, 2012-08-21 02:16

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
There are so many servers out there for redstone, but most are whitelisted, laggy, unoraginized, and offline. But then there is this server, which is protected, includes gamemode 1 AND 0, protects you plot, lag free, and lots of nice people. What I mainly want to do on this server is make redstone mini-games based off of mario party so every1 can come and have fun on my plot.
Past Redstone Experience:
I understand most of the basic logic gates,(although I didn't remember their names), and i also know how to combine them to make more complicteded circuits. Things i made are a spider boss fight, a 30 block long open and closible gate like in castles, and a working and compact monorail.( it has to be reset though :( )
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I do cuss, when mad, but what i DON'T do is type me cussing. I just say it outloud so no one has to deal with it but me.
Application status:
Good application
This application is a pretty good one. You show much potential, and you seem to know your chizz. One thing that bothers me though, is that you seem stuck on the idea Mario Party, and just for your concerns, Most people are too busy to check out other people's builds, unless they are staff (in which case they must keep up their reputation) or if the build is very creatively built, or very complex.
Lol about that last part, we normally ban learners after 2-4 language warnings, so make sure you don't CAPS or use language in chat.
Application: 8/10
Redstone Capabilities (from the application): 7/10
***Note: I can not see all of the links you may post in your application.***
well, what i was plannin on doin is that if no1 can come play on my plot, i'd bring friends from other servers to :D
I cannot currently change the
I cannot currently change the state of this application because I can't actually rank you now. As of now you are ACCEPTED, but will not be ranked until further notice, sorry for the inconvenience.