Application 2477

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
It seems like a very nice server. The admins are quick when I need help. Like I said before: I don't want to clog my computer up, and want to share my inventions with everyone. And I noticed a few people made AI's and I've been interested in those and want to learn more abou them. The server lets me get up close and personal with others builds to allow me to understand more about redstone.
Past Redstone Experience: 
've nearly memorized all basic latches (AND gate, XNOR gate, ect.). My best creation (although surprisingly tiny) was an Undefuseable bomb. It looks NOTHING like Sethblings version. I use no wire, just redstone torches, glass, sticky pistons, and TNT, but in prototypes I used redstone lamps, so it wouldn't blow up. It is also vertically stackable. Other creations are 3x3 doors, a VERY complex Safe combination with about 20 sticky pistons, I built cubehamsters dice and number counter to understand how to pack things down to small designs. I understand the properties of glowstone, glass, and half slabs. I have made some. And I understand MOST of the nature of un-updated pistons.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
want to get my Undefuseable bomb design onto YouTube. And Your builds detailing is amazing. i want to post my world file for download but i dont know how :/ and i dont know hot to post links either :/. and i am hoping that you will accept this application!
Application status: 
Not approved


goodby39's picture

Permanently denied. Possible ban

By goodby39