Application 2482

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
i want to join this server because i like building in multiplayer so i can get support and get some ideas and help
Past Redstone Experience: 
i have made a 1kb memory based on a very compact 1x3 memory cell of my own design and made it resetable. then i have copied it 8192 times using world edit to save time. next i made a mob arena based on a t clock (toggleable clock) based on a timed shutoff mechinism and a t flip flop that when you press the button a first time it starts sending a signal to the t clock which sends signals to dispencers filled with mob eggs over water to make sure all mobs get out and at the end of the water there is a raisable piston gate which makes it imposible to escape because mobs(exept peaceful mobs spiders cave spiders and silverfish) need atleast a 3 high area to acess a ledge higher than them. in front of that is a arena with pressure plates. when something touches one it closes the iron door at the begining of the arena so players and mobs cant escape. my 7 segment displays use t flips to make levers out of buttons and then they send it to sticky pistons which push/pull blocks
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
this is some awesome stuff
Application status: 
Not approved