Application 2507

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I would like to join this server, mainly because I want to see what others can do, and I want to contribute what I have designed to the community. I'm always looking for ways to make new inventions as Minecraft develops (e.g Trip-wires). I want to join for a place to play with others interested with redstone, aswell as learn new ways to make things efficient and to offer infomation to others if need so.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Semi-automatic cake factory- Combines a wheat-farm ( 112 wheat per harvest) that is stackable, so upwards of 1000 wheat can be harest in a single push, with a stackable sugarcane farm, plus an egg farm, so cake can be mass produced. Day/Night Porticullus gate- This 4x3 gates, opens at day and closes at night automatically, without using sand to open and close the gate. Automatic Fire Place- This fireplace hides when not in use and can be lit without pushing any buttons. COD Zombies Map- Door Open systems (cant close after being opened, like in the game) Power switch (allows use of perks and pack a punch room. Automatic Farm on Private Servers, Eg Melon farms, wheats, chicken. Basic redstone- on/off Lights, elevators, 3x3 doors, Alarm Systems, Smart furnaces, aswell as wiring my adventure maps.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I like Redstone :) and im happy to work with others on works.
Application status: 