posted by gameruler1110
on Tue, 2012-09-04 00:11
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
The reason why I want to join this server is because I am a REALLY big fan of redstone. I also like the circuits that include sticky pistons and regular pistons, too. When I see all the redstone in this server, it makes me feel like I'm actually in this server in real life. Also, I NEVER been in a redstone server before now. This is my very first redstone server EVER. I like how people are kind and help me out on this server. It's kind of funny, too! Thanks to GLaDOS XD
Past Redstone Experience:
When I was playing on my cousin's computer, I made a (boring) piston machine. It SUCKS. But them when I went into a server that includes item spawning (no pistons allowed), I discovered that redstone can power repeaters by powering a block; also repeaters can power blocks with redstone on top of the block that the repeater is placing power into. I had no idea what sticky pistons were; I went to the Minecraft Wiki. When I first saw redstone, I thought it was ruby. This was when I was a sore noob in Minecraft.
Application status: