posted by NVxWILDCATx12
on Tue, 2012-09-04 13:11
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
This is the very first server that I have found that is built around redstone circuits, and I have been looking for a while. I love building redstone circuits, but I also enjoy communicating and playing with other humans. The Spawn area is amazingly built and I am eager to explore more, but I thought that it was imperative to be excepted into the server as a player rather than just a viewer. The main reason that I want to join is to learn more about redstone.
Past Redstone Experience:
I have watched all of CNBMinecraft's videos and have built the ciruits many times over. My dad has a degree in EE, so he was able to explain the inner workings of a computer. I used his descriptions to create a few very useful and compact binary gates. I have made some 7-seg displays, I have some ideas for redstone lamp displays, which I am saving for this server. I have made piston doors ranging from 1x1-4x4. A clock, elevators, locks, and hidden stairways (all from CNBMinecraft's designs) but I am eager to try out some ideas of my own. some of which are: a horizontal elevator of sorts, a multi-color display (which I know has been made, but I'd still like to try my own design), and possibly a controller (for a game). Unfortunately, I have no screenshots because my dad changed some of the user settings and I lost my whole redstone creative world. If this application is not accepted, I will probably start a new world and build all of my stated circuits and take screenshots.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I would like to say that this is the best server I have yet found, and I am going to keep applying until I am approved. I would also like to thank you for considering my application.
Also, the <!--break--> delimiter seems to be disfunctional
Application status: