posted by stym
on Fri, 2012-09-07 11:00

Some useful macros have been added to the server.
Teleportation (everyone):
/rs - teleports you to RS world
/cr - teleports you to Creative world
/j (Learner+) - teleports you to where your crosshair is pointing
Kits (Learner+):
/kit redstone and /kit rs - gives you frequently used redstone utensils
/kit wool - colored wool
/kit warrior - good for survival mode
/kit creative - common creative building materials
Thank you Flandyn for an
Thank you Flandyn for an amazing idea :) We will always stand in your favour xD Srly: Thank you Stym for adding this plugin, I really hope we will use it a lot :D
Your Beloving Norwegian:
I see that this was posted
I see that this was posted when I asked that question ^^
IC, so we can't use redstone
IC, so we can't use redstone dust anymore....
Please add it to all kits, seems like all is missing it.
Seems like it is giving you
Seems like it is giving you it.
But sometimes all items doesn't come.
That is because they land in the Survival inventory accessed via the chest tab in the Creative menu
Clearing the hotbar would be usefull before giving the items.
You should use CommandHelper for this, to run CLEARINVETORY on the target player first then give him a list of items
which would happen to appear in their hotbar which would be much more useful
It IS done through CH. I
It IS done through CH. I guess I could rewrite it to use MScript rather than simple macros though.
Simple /ci for both users and admins who will need dunk.clear
/ci [$pi] = >>>
runas(~op, /clear -a @p)
Finalised /ci with permissions support
all:/ci [$pi] = >>>
runas(~op, /clear -a @p)
Want me to draft one?
I have been messing about without purpose with CH and MScript for ages now, waiting for SQL Support in CH so I can carry on developing snap-ins
This is sweet can but...
Can you also make a command to clear your inventory co we dont has to do /clear -a .. Like make the command /ci for clear inventory.
Hold down shift while in the
Hold down shift while in the survival inventory tab, it has been updated now to make removing items much less arduous of a process
Is dunkler unbanned?