Application 2643

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I want to join this server because I have been looking for a creative redstone server for quite some time and i like the fact that i can work with and learn from others. I'm ok with redstone i can do the minimum I do have some experience with advanced redstone. i like the fact that everyone is nice on the server including the mods I hope to make new friends and just hang out and enjoy building and learning also when i took the tour of the server it was so nice and good looking i really felt like this was the server for me and i really hope this gets approved because this is my 3rd application and i am excited to build.
Past Redstone Experience: 
i have worked with fvdisco on his 200,000 subscribers special on youtube i have built counters, Rs nor latches, computers, piston doors and memory units. i really hope i can learn from some of the players and even teach some of them. I really want to put my imagination to the test with new redstone designs that i can show to other players also it would be fun to see other peoples work and build form their designs. I hope to join your community and be apart of a great redstone world
Application status: 


Flandyn's picture

Here we got the application for today! 23:58 my time xD Amazing :)

By Flandyn