Application 2684

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I want to join this server because I think it would be a nice place to build amazing things with other people, make friends, and in general just have a good time. I've gotten sick of a lot of other servers and this one seems nice, although not all of them were bad, but that's a different topic. Another reason why I would like to join this server is because I may learn a lot of new things here that I couldn't on youtube/wherever else.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I've built computers, my first one I made off of "bennycube's" youtube channel names "Building a Minecraft computer", after that I watched the other series and got a general grasp of how computing works. Before that though, I started learning redstone about two years ago, where I unknowingly made an XOR system with doors and levers for locks and such. xD I've been experimenting with instant wire, allowing me to make 2 tick and "instant" ALU's (different from the ones in my computers), RAM, and several other contraptions. My most recent achievement is a 2 tick full Adder using instant wire (I could have made it faster, but 2 ticks is already asking a lot)
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I suppose that I just hope you guys let me in and we can all be friends and make awesome things with redstone. ^_^
Application status: 