Application 2701

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I want to join this server as at the near end of last year I joined a redstone server which was hosted brilliantly and never lagged. The staff on the servers were brilliant and from them I learned a lot about redstone. However at the start of the year the server was closed and I cant find any servers which have been any good. Im going to continue my story here, from the website and from comments from other people this server looks well run and most definitely better than the old one.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Quite a large amount, quite recently I made a contraption which with pistons detracted a hole in the wall and then shot you with dispensers if you got a pressure plate floor wrong. I started on the old redstone server a naughts and crosses game which i didnt get to finish due to the server going down but i knew what to do already to complete it. I also made a 12 hour clock with AM and PM signs, also you could change the hour, seconds and minutes on. I would also like to learn how to be build CPU's,computers e.t.c
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Thanks for reading
Application status: 