Application 2724

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
i want to have a place where i can build what i want and try out new things with out anyones judgement.
Past Redstone Experience: 
my best redstone design is when i built a sliding door. redstone is not my main focus, that is why i plan to try my hardest on this server.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
i am sorry, but i can not show images of my creation.
Application status: 
Not approved



By arf1019
KillingForMoney's picture

its very short. u may want to tell a bit more about urself.ยจ

By KillingForMoney

like what?

By arf1019

i love building things and try to edit if they don't work. i am a hard worker, but doesn't have much experience with reds ton. i hop to lean some if i do get accepted onto the server

By arf1019
Flandyn's picture

You would have to write an new application :/ Then atleast 3 lines per question. If you wonder why, this is to give learner most space, only accept people that really want to join. And it is to prevend griefers.

By Flandyn