Application 2726

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
When i first started playing minecraft i started hearing about redstone and redstone machines, but i never rlly had much patience to learn how to use it. One day I started becoming interested in redstone and so i try'd to learn how to use it, which ended in utter failure. So for a while i never used it until I saw how amazing these redstone machines could be, I started to replicate them to see how they worked but I could never make much on my own. I learned that the ranking system motivates me to do great things on minecraft so i thought "if i could get ranked for making stuff with redstone i'd learn it in no time." Then i found this server. That is why i want to join this server.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Most redstone machines that i've made have been replicated from videos or pictures the only things i've made with redstone without copying are tnt cannons, vending machines, and a few calculators.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I'm really good with design and critical thinking. I have all the free time in the world so i can complete rlly big projects in a matter of days depending on wat it is. While I was typing why i wanted to join this server i mentioned that ranking motivates me, I found this out in a pixel art server at first i wasnt good at all, but now I'm making rlly good pixel art (without spritecraft). The last I would like to mention might be tm, but i have a mental condition called ADHD. Which makes it so i cant focus on anything, but i take a pill it can make me focus and work on anything until i get it done. P.S. I didnt know what you meant by "my life" so i just put whatever i could think of that would be relevant. :p
Application status: 