Application 2739

FlowMotionKing's picture
In-game name: 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I <3 Redstone. If i play Minecraft i make redstone creations. At school i make the 'blueprints' (drawings) that i use to make new creations. Im learning everyday at this server but im still a visitor. I would really appriciate to join this server.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Ive made a BatCave with a bud switch entrance (when you remove a block it will trigger a piston and open the door) that will open a 3x3 piston door. Inside there was a super small computer that was able to add and substract, doesnt work very well with big numbers but im still learning. And ive made a game. there are 4 lanes of rails, and 1 minecart. If you press the button the minecart will go to a random lane. Then you need to stand on a pressure plate to stop if from falling down. If you fall down you lose 1 heart. (a small scoreboard) Now im building a semi-automatic cocoa farm with a bud switch so when you place a bean you will go 1 down with pistons and you can place another one.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
If my dad approves it i can donate too :)
Application status: 