Application 2753

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I want to join this server because i think i can make some of the best creations, starting with a song creator. I've been working on the chinks, but i realized my invention couldnt be brought to the world. That's just my first goal. My next ones wil be thought up of, because I'm constantly thinking of what to make.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I rang from beautiful easy small everyday devices, to strong, pointless to survial (because of the resources) inventions. My latest and favorite one is a multi-function computer. It has 10 inputs and 2 saves folders. now, this is pointless at first, but i thought this could be useful if i wanted to make it something useful. My knowledge on redstone includes RS Nor Latches, Nor Gates, XNor Gates, Or Gates, False Gates and True Gates. I've Also Made all of these gates in 1 machine (multi-function machie). I have no Links to Previous Works :(.
Application status: 
Not approved


blackbelt_jr's picture

I am fairly sure that this application is too small to be reviewed thoroughly, but I am interest in your so called computer. By what you are saying, this computer is simply RAM, but I can't tell the full story. Elaborate on the computer, and elaborate on your personality.

By blackbelt_jr