Application 2758

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
This server seems fun and the community seems light-hearted and enjoyable. I have a friend who plays on here who is teaching me redstone, but he left the server we were previously playing on, because it began sucking, and he came here, so he is part of the reason why I am applying. The last reason why I am applying is, as aforementioned above, I am a creative player, and most places that have multiple worlds have a flat world for creative, but, as my friend tells me, you guys have an actual world for your creative area, so that is a definite plus.
Past Redstone Experience: 
My friend who is teaching me redstone is named TheGrimOfCrazy. He has taught me some stuff about redstone, but I am still definatly in the early newb stages of it. The last thing I made from redstone was when I was helping TheGrimOfCrazy make an adventure map we were both working on, and he was making a puzzle for one of the rooms. I don't know what components went into it. I also made a 2x2 trapdoor where you use pistons to move blocks from the top into the sides of the shaft, making a clean 2x2 tunnel leading down.
Application status: 


Flandyn's picture

There we go. A beuteful example on an application! Good work :D

By Flandyn