posted by theflyswatter98
on Mon, 2012-09-17 17:09
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I want to join this server to improve my redstone skills and learn new things I can implement into singleplayer and other servers (with my friends). It seems as if the mods and other players are very advanced in redstone, hence the redstone server title, and I'd like to learn from them.
Past Redstone Experience:
To be quite honest, I haven't created anything massively impressive. I can make 2x2 doors, I made a stair elevator, and I love making hidden doors and traps. I have a basic understanding of redstone principles, and I'd like to improve on it all. I don't have any pictures of my creations. :(
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I'm awesome?
Application status:
Adding to responses
Describe your personality: Also, I'm into sports, I enjoy gaming, and I *think* I'm funny.
Why do you want to join: After talking on-server for a bit, you seem like cool guy/girls. Having a dedicated server to always go on is what I want right now, and this seems like a good choice. The server appears to be well-run, and looks awesome based on the quality of the redstone inventions.
Past redstone experience: Well, like I said, I'm pretty basic with redstone.
How often: I like playing at least every day, but sometimes that isn't possible. Minecraft=awesome.
Anything else: Well, I AM awesome...