Application 2789

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
i just love redstone:D And i love to use it. Maby someone will build a project with me? It would be great=) I will trie to learn from others and maby help others to learn something I know. I'm always looking for new things or old things which are better done;-) So if someone would like to show me something new i would appreciate to learn from him.
Past Redstone Experience: 
A friend and me we built Moria from Lord of the ring. there I created an ingame game where you first had to find a covered cellar with a book which includes the code to enter Moria. Then you have to pass the way where you have to kill some mobs to survive. when you arrive by the door from Moria you have to enter the code which allows you to enter the mine. inside you find a huge dungeon with a lot of redstone traps/doors/lift/etc etc... We also built a portal2 game with redstonetraps and much more=) Now we have a server where we built the game Majoras Mask from Zelda=)
Application status: 