Application 2818

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I've been playing on a other normal server and it was boring because every1 else was building, they mined, they chopped wood, But I redstoned so i left that server and I was looking for a redstone-only server, thats the way how i found you guys. Thanks to youtube :)
Past Redstone Experience: 
Binary -> Decimal Device(using my own decoder), Combolocks with big button pads( 6x6), displays, Seamless piston doors, Tictactoe ( I used 5x5 redstone lamp pads and my own version of a decoder), 4 in a row (sand and gravel + block elevator), automated piston farms(using long timers made by using BUD switches and vines), undetectable BUD switches(combined with seamless piston doors), very compact: Flipflop(1x3x5 tileable), blockswapper, piston extenders,...
Application status: 
Not approved