Application 2842

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
i want to learn a lot more about redstone calculators and try to combine them with my writing machine. on other servers its impossible to make something like that so i hope i will have the chance to make it on the redstone server. of course i need some more inspiration and what could be better than a server full of redstone.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I play minecraft since beta 1.2 so i grew up with every little redstone update. i think I know everything about the redstone blocks but not everything about what i can do with it. I build a lot of display things and writing machines. I try to make their usage very simple but the machines are very big so i always built them with worldedit. they look very cool. I also built some doors which open with a code. They work the same way as the writing machine. i don't want to explain how the writing machine works but basically it's a control thing and a display thing which are connectet with a big cable and you write texts and pictrures column by column. I think it's a usefull machine which everyone can understand.
Application status: 