Application 2862

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
i want to gain experience from other pro minecraft players not only do i want to gain experience, i also want other people to gain some experience from me i think it would be fun and enjoying if you let me build on your redstone server so i can spread the news of this great redstone server to my other friends.
Past Redstone Experience: 
i have made a number of things like 2x2,3x3,3x2,2x3,doors i have helped on some popular hunger games servers with redstone traps i am in the process of a digital clock on my single player world when i am creating one of my redstone contraptions, i like to make things compact and not messy when i am making my redstone clock, i make 4 piston tapes to create the digital display i also like making digit combos that lead to secret entrances and doors
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I have been on this server before and i would like to be apart of this redstone severs community
Application status: 
Not approved


please accept. i really want to join this fantastic redstone community.

Flandyn's picture

I will metnion that this is a good written application, purticular for being 12 ;) Though it is still kind of short. And you have misunderstood the question "Describe your personality:" Your sports and athleat isn't in our interests. You can write abilities, why we should choose you, Speciel about you?, And what are you good at. A small spelling error a lot of people has is non capital i's. That is a small change I would like to see.

By Flandyn