Application 2872

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I want to join this server because there are not much good creative servers out there, especially not redstone-creative servers. I love building all sorts of redstone contraptions and this seems to be quite a good server to do that on! I also think theres a lot of people on here that could teach me some more about redstone to become better.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Rock paper scissors, automatic parkour race, automatic boat race, the game with the X and the O (Dunno what to call it :L), multiple elevators, 3x3 doors, hidden doors, and some small experiments.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
this is my second try for my application, i hope this one is better :)
Application status: 


Rock paper scissors; i got this as a request on another server, i decided to do it different then most people do (Most people dont show anything just who won) i made a big display as you can see in my pictures, And 2 collored chambers, a red one and a blue one, as soon as both the red and the blue one made their dissision their dissisions are getting displayed, then i made a win detection which has all the possible combinations in it, it will figure out what combination got picked that round and display the winner so both players will see.

automatic parkour race: this started out as a little joke, then it went up to about 15 floors from bedrock to max build height, the redstone in it contains a win detection with a display in front of the building which shows what player won, Theres also a single player mode on it that counts the time they take to do the race (To be honest, i got a lot of help with the counter by some redstone pro on another server)

automatic boat race: Still in progress, but it just simply counts down, displays who won etc.

The game with the x and the o (See pics) : I dont know what its called in english. its just 3 in a row i guess?. but that, with win detection.

elevators: i made different types, ones that can go up and down, ones with pistons, with fencegates etc,

3x3 doors, basically trying to get them as compact as possible :L

By Jaytjuh575