posted by 11zaq
on Sun, 2012-09-23 18:28
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I discovered my first redstone server through Cubehamster, and have been hooked ever since. I used to go on Creative servers to get better, but now I use Redstone ones. Cubehamster's server has been down for a while, so I am looking for a new primary server. I saw this website upon Googling "Redstone Server" and thought that it looked mature (A.K.A. Not full of 10 year old spammers) and That is why I am writing this Application now.
Past Redstone Experience:
My best redstone creation has to be a lives system for adventure maps. I am almost sure that this has been done by someone else, but I promise I came up with this myself. Here is a brief synopsis of how it works: (Keep in mind that this uses the latest snapshot)
c= command block
r= redstone dust
[ ]= generic block
a= air
p=pressure plate
[ ]
[ ] a [ ]
[ ] p [ ]
c1[ ]c2
c1 command = /say Lives Left: x (x being however many the map maker desires)
c2 command= /tp @p x y z (the coords being the beginning of the level)
c3 command= /spawnset @p x y z (coords being the a of next system.)
You repeat this system, only changing the /say command with the number left, and /spawnset on the last life, you can make a death room, and a restart button, teleporting you to the first system.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I hope this application was sufficient to accept me onto this server. Thank you for your consideration.
Application status: