posted by mark5049
on Sat, 2012-09-29 10:06
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I would like to join the server to see other creations and build the their concept aswell as make (Showoff) my redstone creations (eg. Full Adder, Ram ect.) but most of all is to have a fun time meet people and be amazed by their creations.
Past Redstone Experience:
1. A 4-tick binary adder. (Fast Huh?)
2. A compact 4x7x1 Memory Cell (only Pistons Blocks Repeaters and Red Torches - able to get up close and personal. The Memory cell!.-)
3. 32 Bit ALU with x2 32-bit Ram and a pro Control pannel (It really is pro!)
4. All the Logic gates.
5. Redstone adventure map. (Not public only for me and my friends!)
6. Redstone clocks (Digital with 7-seg display)
7. ???
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I am English.
Application status:
Not approved
Your past Redstone experience
Your past Redstone experience is good, Though don't use comma in Descirbe your personality... And write a bit more in Why do you want to join the server.
Thanks for the advice.
Thanks for the advice.