posted by mark5049
on Sat, 2012-09-29 10:55
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I would like to join the server to see other creations and build the their concept aswell as make (Showoff) my redstone creations (eg. Full Adder, Ram ect.) i would also like to join so that i can learn what i don,t already know as well as find what i like doing in redstone wether it is making pistion contraptions or making computers, another reason why i want to join is because i saw the serveer in one of Flandyns videos and i would like to see his computer design and see if i can learn from my mistakes as well as getting to learn things about redstone that i never knew. And i would like to just be blown away with all the amazing creations that are on the server (Like a double dabble). But most of all is to have a fun time meet people and be amazed by their creations.
Past Redstone Experience:
1. A 4-tick binary adder. (Fast Huh?) 2. A compact 4x7x1 Memory Cell (only Pistons Blocks Repeaters and Red Torches - able to get up close and personal. The Memory cell!.-) 3. 32 Bit ALU with x2 32-bit Ram and a pro Control pannel (It really is pro!) 4. All the Logic gates. 5. Redstone adventure map. (Not public only for me and my friends!) 6. Redstone clocks (Digital with 7-seg display) 7. ???
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Thanks for the previous advice. I love 80's music!
Application status: