Application 2951

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
for the last couple of days i've been searching for a server, specificly devoted to redstone. this is the first one that i have found and i would love to share my ideas with the other players and just play for a great time. i get bored making stuff on single player, and its always great when i can do what i like to do, with people who like to do that same thing also!
Past Redstone Experience: 
i make calculators, elevators, locks auto-matic doors, mini-games, and my dream is to be able to design a computer. i also have been the lead redstone technision on my friends server. so i have some good experience from that also. my best creation was a calculator that subtracted added multiplied and divided, my secend best was a combo lock including my very own type of circiut i invented and named the "mouse lock circiut" or the mlc.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
i am just in the basics of redstone. so i believe joining this server will help me learn more about redstone, and what you see in the first couple days if my app is accepted. is just the start! :D
Application status: 